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Many say “I don’t have time to clip coupons.”  The truth is that you CAN’T afford NOT to.


Using coupons can save you over 50% on your grocery bill every time you go shopping.  There are many helpful sites to help you get started.  We have listed them below along with some other coupon shopping tips.



For a small monthly fee you can get printouts of what coupons will give you the greatest deal.  Save your weekly coupon books (from the newspaper) because thegrocerygame.com will tell you exactly which book the coupon is in.  The key here is to stock up on items when they are on sale and you have a coupon because most likely if you wait until you actually need an item you will pay full price.


Yes, the store cards really save you money.   Stores that have a “store discount card” use these as a way to track sales.  By using them you also get discounts.  Many stores will allow you to log onto your account via the web and add additional coupon savings to your card and when you check out the discounts are automatically applied.  No coupon clipping required.


Coupon Books (from the Sunday paper)  Keep them in order by date and clip the coupons as you need them.  (thegrocerygame.com will tell you where to find the coupons).


Print coupons on-line  If you do not get the Sunday Paper or you do not want to keep coupons laying around the house, print your coupons on-line.  You can select and print only the coupons that you want to use  www.redplum.com